Every month

Every month I'll post a new "taste" of Art Pepper's music as a FREE DOWNLOAD. These tastes are given away because they are "unreleasable" by virtue of the recording being cut off at beginning or end or by brief audio problems that occurred in the recording process.


I'll also post occasional journal entries including updates on new releases.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas FREEBIE (Pepperpot: Unissued 1949 w/Stan Kenton) PLUS BONUS!

 Pepperpot is from 1949 when Art was with the Stan Kenton Orchestra. Personally, I'm not crazy about a big blasting band, but what's wonderful is the contrast of all that noise with the wild sweet sound of Art, floating like a butterfly, stinging like a bee. Pepperpot is FREE (tho you can always drop a few coins in the hat).

BUT WAIT.  A payment of 15$ makes you a member of the Widow's Kitchen Cabinet AND that gets you this COMPLETE album 15 tracks of ALTERNATE & UNISSUED takes from truly historic recording sessions from 1949 thru 1960: Antique Art Pepper.  It also entitles you, during the following year, to SPECIAL FREEBIES (hidden in that Cabinet) for which you'll be sent unique download codes.

Here are some of the other artists on the album:  Stan Kenton, Maynard Ferguson, Shorty Rogers, Bud Shank, Bob Cooper, Shelly Manne, Conte candoli, Bill Russo, Warne Marsh, Ronnie Ball, Ben Tucker, Gary Frommer, Carl Perkins, Frank Capp, Al Porcino, Jack Sheldon, Med Flory, Russ Freeman, Joe Mondragon, Mel Lewis, Paul Chambers, Wynton Kelly, Pete Jolly, Dolo Coker.

THE download includes a PDF of the liner note by Ken Poston (with historic photos) available for download.

ALSO: Blues Fanatics, Art Pepper Fanatics, Vinyl Fanatics:
Neon Art now on Sale at Omnivore! A last minute gift perhaps????

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